Ranitomeya summersi "Sauce"
Ranitomeya summersi "Sauce"
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Long considered a morph of R. fantastica until Brown et al., 2008 elevated this banded frog to species status based on genetics, distribution and behaviour. This robust frog lives a decidedly terrestrial life within its small distribution in Peru. Summersi is only known from a few locations surrounding the Huallaga canyon, where it occurs both north and south of the river, at intermediate elevations. Habitat loss is ongoing fueled by both a growing campesino population and recent cessation of enormous tracts of forest for agricultural endeavours, including oil palm plantations for bio-diesel, and for petrochemical exploration.
In the terrarium this frog is relatively hardy, but somewhat reclusive, and will benefit from layered foliage and abundant leaf litter. Breeding is straightforward, and metamorphosis occurs usually between 90-100 days. Summersi will thrive in slightly drier terrarium conditions than many other dendrobatids. Well suited for housing as small colonies as opposed to pairs, and excellent frog for intermediate keepers looking for a slightly more challenging species.
The Sauce morph seen here is native to the semi arid zone surrounding Laguna azul de Sauce where is haunts the humid stream valleys.